恹恹欲睡"是一个汉语成语,常用来形容人感到疲倦,想要睡觉的状态。以下是与"恹恹欲睡"相关的词汇和短语的中文和英文解释:1. 恹恹欲睡 (Yān yān yù shuì) - Feeling drowsy or sleepy2. 精神不振 (Jīng shén bù zhèn) - Lacking energy or vitality3. 沉闷 (Chén mèn) - Dull or heavy4. 疲惫不堪 (Pí bèi bù kān) - Exhausted to the point of being unable to function normally5. 晕眩 (Yūn xuàn) - Feeling dizzy or light-headed6. 眼皮沉重 (Yǎn pí zhòng chóng) - Heavy eyelids, making it difficult to keep the eyes open7. 累得不行 (Lèi dé bù xíng) - Exhausted to the point of being unable to continue8. 睡意袭来 (Shuì yì xí lái) - The urge to sleep becomes overwhelming9. 疲乏无力 (Pí fá wú lì) - Tired and lacking strength10. 心情低落 (Xīn qíng dī luò) - Feeling down or depressed, which can sometimes lead to a desire for sleep以上词汇和短语可以用来描述和表达人在感到疲倦、困倦或缺乏精神状态时的感受。
1. **"感觉恹恹欲睡,我想找一个安静的地方休息。"** **英文解释:** "Feeling drowsy, I want to find a quiet place to rest." **Example:** After a long day at work, she felt her eyelids getting heavier, prompting her to ask her colleague if they could move to a less noisy area to take a brief nap.2. **"尽管他已经尝试了各种提神的方法,但精神还是不振。"** **英文解释:** "Despite trying various ways to perk up, his energy was still lacking." **Example:** After studying for hours, Alex's head was swimming, his energy fading, and he felt his mind couldn't concentrate anymore.3. **"室内沉闷的气氛让人感到压抑。"** **英文解释:** "The oppressive atmosphere in the room was dull and heavy." **Example:** At the conference, the long speeches in the stuffy room made everyone feel the walls closing in, exacerbating their desire for a break.4. **"连续工作了十几个小时后,他已经疲惫不堪。"** **英文解释:** "Working for over ten hours straight, he was exhausted to the point of being unable to function normally." **Example:** The software engineer had been coding for hours, his fingers numb from the repetitive motions, and his mind felt as if it was running on fumes.5. **"突然感到一阵晕眩,她勉强维持着平衡。"** **英文解释:** "A sudden dizziness made her struggle to maintain her balance." **Example:** After spinning around the dance floor too many times, Maria felt a lightheaded sensation, and she had to lean against the wall to steady herself.6. **"眼皮沉重得几乎抬不起来,她知道她需要好好休息。"** **英文解释:** "Her heavy eyelids made it difficult to keep them open, signaling she needed a good rest." **Example:** With the effort of keeping her eyes open to finish her homework, Sarah realized that the sun had long set, and she should go to bed to catch up on sleep.7. **"累得不行,她决定先回家再继续工作。"** **英文解释:** "Exhausted to the point of being unable to continue, she decided to go home first before resuming work." **Example:** After attending a marathon meeting, Rachel felt her body reaching its limit and knew she needed a break before tackling more tasks for the day.8. **"睡意袭来,他觉得自己快要坚持不住了。"** **英文解释:** "The urge to sleep became overwhelming, making him feel like he couldn’t hold on any longer." **Example:** As the clock struck midnight, the detective's eyes drooped, and he realized he needed to call it a night, despite all the evidence still laid out on the table.9. **"尽管天气炎热,他还是感到疲乏无力。"** **英文解释:** "Despite the scorching heat, he felt tired and lacked strength." **Example:** After a day spent hiking in the sun, John found himself dragging his feet, his body aching, and his spirits low.10. **"心情低落的他,不知不觉地靠在沙发上,沉沉睡去。"** **英文解释:** "Feeling down, he unintentionally leaned against the sofa and fell asleep." **Example:** After receiving some bad news, David sat on his couch, lost in thought, and found himself slipping into a light doze as the minutes passed.
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