文明礼仪是人类社会长期发展的产物,反映了人类对社会和谐、文明进步的追求。以下是一些关于文明礼仪的英文名言警句:1. "In every large community the standards of behavior are lower than in the smaller one." - John Stuart Mill 每个大社区的行为标准都比小社区低。- 约翰·斯图亚特·密尔2. "manners are the smile of civilization." - William Hazlitt 礼仪是文明的微笑。- 威廉·赫兹利特3. "Manners are an excellent lubricant for social intercourse, just as oil is to machinery." - Henry David Thoreau 礼仪是社交场合的优秀润滑剂,就像油对机械一样。- 亨利·戴维·梭罗4. "Let us have more of that politeness which costs nothing, but which produces wonders in the hearts of those who receive it." - François, duc de La Rochefoucauld 让我们多一点那种无需花费,却能令收到它的人心中生出奇迹的礼貌。- 路易·德·拉·罗什富科公爵5. "Respect for others is the foundation of all social intercourse." - Margaret Mead 对他人的尊重是所有社交交往的基础。- 马格丽特·米德6. "There is a kind of beauty that is more admired in those whose manners are gentle than in others." - Michel de Montaigne 有一种美丽,比在举止优雅的人身上更受人欣赏。- 米歇尔·德·蒙田7. "The only true thing is to be ourselves. When I say 'you must be yourself,' it is not the advice I give others; it is the only advice I take for myself." - Simone de Beauvoir 唯一真实的事就是做自己。当我建议“你必须做自己”的时候,这并不是我给别人的建议;这是我自己唯一采纳的建议。- 萨冈8. "In the course of a man's life, he must converse with and have the company of many men; and to be well received and welcomed by all is not in his own power; but it is within his power to be well received by all; for this he needs only to be polite, and to practice the universal politeness." - Samuel Johnson 人在一生中必须与许多人交谈和共处;他不可能被所有人欢迎和接纳,但可以被所有人欢迎;他只需要有礼貌,练习普遍的礼貌。- 萨缪尔·约翰逊9. "He who is well-bred must take pains with his mouth and with his feet." - Henry Fielding 举止得体的人必须在言谈和行动上用心。- 亨利·菲尔丁10. "The essence of good manners is making those around us comfortable." - Eleanor Roosevelt 好礼仪的本质是让我们周围的人都感到舒适。- 玛格丽特·杜鲁门这些名言警句强调了礼貌、尊重他人、自我表达和社交技巧的重要性。它们提醒我们,通过文明礼仪,我们可以促进和谐、增进友谊,甚至提升个人的幸福感。
### 名言警句用法与例句1. **"In every large community the standards of behavior are lower than in the smaller one." - John Stuart Mill** **用法**:强调在大群体中,行为标准可能不如小群体那样高。 **例句**:在大城市中,人们可能会因为匿名效应而放松了对自身行为的约束,而在紧密联系的社区里,邻里间的相互尊重与监督使得行为更加礼貌和守序。2. **"manners are the smile of civilization." - William Hazlitt** **用法**:将礼仪比喻为文明的象征,强调其在社会中不可或缺的作用。 **例句**:良好的餐桌礼仪不仅体现了个人教养,也是文化传承与文明进步的标志,就如同一抹温暖的微笑,让餐桌上的每一刻都变得温馨而难忘。3. **"Manners are an excellent lubricant for social intercourse, just as oil is to machinery." - Henry David Thoreau** **用法**:将礼仪比作润滑剂,强调其在人际交往中的必要性和功能。 **例句**:在商务会议中,通过运用适当的礼仪和礼貌用语,可以润滑交流过程,避免误解,促进合作,正如润滑油能让机器运转更加顺畅。4. **"Respect for others is the foundation of all social intercourse." - Margaret Mead** **用法**:强调尊重他人是所有社交活动的基础。 **例句**:在多元文化的工作团队中,尊重每个成员的文化背景和观点是建立有效沟通和合作的基石。5. **"There is a kind of beauty that is more admired in those whose manners are gentle than in others." - Michel de Montaigne** **用法**:将礼貌与内在的美丽联系起来,强调内在品质的重要性。 **例句**:一位有礼貌、待人和气的领导者往往能够赢得团队成员的尊敬和信任,这种内在的美丽比外表的华丽更为持久和珍贵。6. **"The only true thing is to be ourselves. When I say 'you must be yourself,' it is not the advice I give others; it is the only advice I take for myself." - Simone de Beauvoir** **用法**:强调个体的独特性,以及真诚地做自己的重要性。 **例句**:在艺术创作中,真正的创新来源于作者独特的视角和真挚的情感表达,这比模仿他人风格更能打动观众的心。7. **"In the course of a man's life, he must converse with and have the company of many men; and to be well received and welcomed by all is not in his own power; but it is within his power to be well received by all; for this he needs only to be polite, and to practice the universal politeness." - Samuel Johnson** **用法**:说明了在社交中追求广泛受欢迎的挑战,以及通过礼貌可以实现的可能。 **例句**:在国际会议上,一位擅长运用普遍礼貌语言和技巧的演讲者,能够跨越语言和文化的障碍,赢得与会者的尊重和共鸣。8. **"He who is well-bred must take pains with his mouth and with his feet." - Henry Fielding** **用法**:强调举止得体不仅体现在言谈中,还体现在行动上。 **例句**:在参加文化活动时,不仅要注意自己与人交谈时的语气和用词,还要注意自己的行为是否符合活动的氛围,如穿着得体、遵守规则等。9. **"The essence of good manners is making those around us comfortable." - Eleanor Roosevelt** **用法**:强调礼仪的根本目的在于让周围的人感到舒适。 **例句**:在家庭聚会上,一位懂得礼仪的人会主动为老人或小孩提供帮助,确保聚会的每个角落都充满温暖和关爱,让每个人都感到被尊重和重视。10. **"In the course of a man's life, he must converse with and have the company of many men; and to be well received and welcomed by all is not in his own power; but it is within his power to be well received by all; for this he needs only to be polite, and to practice the universal politeness." - Samuel Johnson** **用法**:再次强调通过礼貌可以影响他人对我们的看法和接受度。 **例句**:在与他人初次见面时,运用简单的问候、微笑和倾听,可以立即建立良好的第一印象,为未来的交流打下坚实的基础。
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