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时间:2024-08-07   |   分类:句子素材
1 0 0 句 虐 心 的 动 漫 台 词

1. "So it was you all along, the person who was planning to steal my heart." - Code Geass
2. "Your future is your future, I can't change it." - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
3. "Why are you so sad when you have someone who loves you?" - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
4. "It's not enough to just want someone to live; you also have to be willing to kill for them." - My Hero Academia
5. "The one who cries will always be the one who loses." - Tokyo Ghoul
6. "I'm just a speck in the vast universe, and yet you're still looking for me." - High School DxD
7. "No matter how much you cry, it won't change anything." - Death Note
8. "It's too late for regrets." - Berserk
9. "The things you love will always leave you." - Your Lie in April
10. "I can't stop the rain, but I can stop you from drowning." - K-On!
11. "Love is the most painful thing in the world." - Honey and Clover
12. "I don't understand why you're so attached to him." - Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!
13. "I'm not as strong as I thought." - Naruto
14. "The only way to love someone is to let them go." - One Punch Man
15. "There are no second chances in this world." - Sword Art Online
16. "The only person who can save you is yourself." - Fairy Tail
17. "I thought I could trust you, but I was wrong." - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
18. "You have no idea how much I love you." - Yuru Yuri
19. "My heart is not a toy that can be played with." - Overlord
20. "The pain of losing someone you love will never go away." - Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
21. "I'm not a person, just a tool for you to use." - Sword Art Online: Gun Gale Online
22. "I'll always be there for you, even if you can't see me." - High School DxD
23. "Even if you're alone, you're not truly alone." - Dragon Ball Z
24. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you live." - Cowboy Bebop
25. "I'll wait for you until the end of time." - One Piece
26. "Your love will never be enough to save me." - Your Lie in April
27. "It's not over until I say it's over." - Berserk
28. "You're not meant to be with me." - Tokyo Ghoul
29. "If I could, I would protect you forever." - A Silent Voice
30. "I've fallen in love with someone who can't love me back." - Death Note
Please note that this list is far from exhaustive, and there are many more heart-wrenching lines in the vast world of anime. Also, these quotes can be heavy, so they might not be suitable for all audiences.

1. **"So it was you all along, the person who was planning to steal my heart." - Code Geass**
**用法**: 表达惊喜、震惊或在发现真相后的情感变化。
**例子**: 丽娜以为是谁是她的大敌,但真相揭示后,发现原来是他一直在暗中保护她。这句台词适合表达她内心复杂的情感变化。
2. **"Your future is your future, I can't change it." - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood**
**用法**: 鼓励别人面对现实,强调个人选择和命运的重要性。
**例子**: 埃利克鼓励埃利阿斯接受失去父亲的事实,告诉他未来属于他自己,他必须自己做决定。
3. **"Why are you so sad when you have someone who loves you?" - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex**
**用法**: 提醒人们珍惜拥有的,鼓励表达爱意。
**例子**: 美雪看到朋友在分手后感到悲痛,她用这句台词鼓励朋友表达自己的情感,提醒他们要珍惜眼前人。
4. **"It's not enough to just want someone to live; you also have to be willing to kill for them." - My Hero Academia**
**用法**: 强调英雄精神,表达保护与牺牲的深层含义。
**例子**: 邻人与前队友讨论面对强大敌人时的策略,强调为了保护他人,有时必须做出艰难的决定。
5. **"The one who cries will always be the one who loses." - Tokyo Ghoul**
**用法**: 提醒人们情感的脆弱性,强调坚强面对困难的重要性。
**例子**: 一成在面对家族的背叛时,好友用这句台词提醒他,真正的胜利者是那些不被泪水控制的人。
6. **"I'm just a speck in the vast universe, and yet you're still looking for me." - High School DxD**
**用法**: 表达孤独感,同时透露出被重视的感觉。
**例子**: 赫斯伯里在宇宙的孤独中,被卡修斯的寻找触动,这句话体现了他在宇宙中虽然微小,但有人在乎他。
7. **"No matter how much you cry, it won't change anything." - Death Note**
**用法**: 暗示某些情况下的无能为力,强调接受现实的重要性。
**例子**: 狩听取到了警方为阻止他的行动所采取的措施无效,这句话让他意识到改变现状可能需要更多策略。




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