提供十首很短的现代诗确实是一个挑战,因为现代诗的定义和形式相当广泛,不同诗人可能会创作出形式简短、意义深远的作品。以下是一些经典的现代诗片段,每首都是短小精悍,旨在启发思考:1. **埃兹拉·庞德** - **《在地铁站里》** ``` metro, light and noise. ```2. **威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯** - **《风暴》** ``` rain fell silently, night fell silently, snow fell silently. ```3. **西尔维娅·普拉斯** - **《心之碎片》** ``` this is my heart, all cracked now i've loved and now i've lost. ```4. **露易丝·格丽克** - **《暗示》** ``` I say to myself: hold the thought of light, of her walking in it. ```5. **约翰·伯格** - **《看》** ``` You look at the woman, but you also look at what looks at the woman. ```6. **亨利·米勒** - **《孤独与自由》** ``` In a lonely place where no one is free, I found my life. ```7. **查尔斯·波德莱尔** - **《恶之花》片段** ``` Que dis-je? Qu'est-ce que j'ai dit? Tout est permis, tout est permis, tout est permis. ```8. **罗伯特·弗罗斯特** - **《未选择的路》** ``` Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. ```9. **查尔斯·考夫曼** - **《时间》** ``` Time, I say, is on my side, for I am time. ```10. **T.S.艾略特** - **《四个四行诗》之一** ``` And after the storm, when summer rain Falls on a squashed out ember on the hearth, And summer rain is like the light rain On the edge of the sand and the sea. ```这些短诗展现了现代诗的各种风格和主题,从日常生活的细节、自然的美丽、爱与失去、孤独与自由,到对时间与存在的深刻思考。每首诗都值得细细品味,它们各自以独特的方式触及人心,激发对生活、世界和自我更深层次的思考。
举例:1. **埃兹拉·庞德** - **《在地铁站里》** ``` metro, light and noise. ``` **例子**:"他穿梭于繁忙的都市地铁站,只感受到那些在身边轻轻擦过的光线和喧嚣。"2. **威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯** - **《风暴》** ``` rain fell silently, night fell silently, snow fell silently. ``` **例子**:"寂静中,雨滴轻落,夜晚悄然而至,雪花静静地飘下,一切如此静谧而美好。"3. **西尔维娅·普拉斯** - **《心之碎片》** ``` this is my heart, all cracked now i've loved and now i've lost. ``` **例子**:"我手中紧握的是破碎的心,它曾因为爱而完整,现在却因失去而破碎。"4. **露易丝·格丽克** - **《暗示》** ``` I say to myself: hold the thought of light, of her walking in it. ``` **例子**:"我对自己说:记住那光明,她漫步在光明之中。"5. **约翰·伯格** - **《看》** ``` You look at the woman, but you also look at what looks at the woman. ``` **例子**:"你盯着那女人看,但你也看到了在她眼中看着她的人。"6. **亨利·米勒** - **《孤独与自由》** ``` In a lonely place where no one is free, I found my life. ``` **例子**:"在一个无人能自由的地方,我找到了我的生命,那里的孤独给予了我最真实的自我。"7. **查尔斯·波德莱尔** - **《恶之花》片段** ``` Que dis-je? Qu'est-ce que j'ai dit? Tout est permis, tout est permis, tout est permis. ``` **例子**:"我问自己,我到底说了什么?一切都被允许,一切都被允许,一切都被允许。"8. **罗伯特·弗罗斯特** - **《未选择的路》** ``` Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. ``` **例子**:"一条黄色森林里的路分叉,我遗憾无法都走一遍,我长久站立,望着前方,直到它在灌木丛中弯转。"9. **查尔斯·考夫曼** - **《时间》** ``` Time, I say, is on my side, for I am time. ``` **例子**:"我说,时间站在我的这边,因为我就是时间的主宰。"10. **T.S.艾略特** - **《四个四行诗》之一** ``` And after the storm, when summer rain Falls on a squashed out ember on the hearth, And summer rain is like the light rain On the edge of the sand and the sea. ``` **例子**:"暴风雨过后,夏日的雨滴落在了壁炉里那枚熄灭的火星上,就像海边沙滩边缘的细雨。
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