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时间:2024-08-02   |   分类:句子素材
爱 默 生 名 言 大 全 英 文

1. "The mind is everything. What you think, you become."
2. "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to understand the meaning of life; to be able to admit error without distress; never to lose temper; to enjoy the friendship of men of genuine culture, who have given their best to the world; to recite poetry as if you yourself were the author; to have a well-governed household and know how to ride a horse; to be brave as a simple peasant, and tender as a woman; to be able, when you hear any tune or read any text, to sing it with heart; to find pleasure in the beauty of books, of nature, of the universe; and never to forget what every great poet has said, 'God loves the man who loves his own soul.'"
3. "Do what you love, and you will live your life."
4. "Every moment is a fresh beginning."
5. "The law of life is the law of self-development."
6. "He has not lived well who has not deeply loved."
7. "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
8. "The day is the glory of the night."
9. "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to fool yourself that you are well when you are ill, and to fool yourself that you are ill when you are well."
10. "Genius is the harp of the Universe, set up by Nature to sound her thoughts of the Deity to man."
11. "Every man has ten lives in him, but only he who loves has them all."
12. "The best thing to do is to do the best you can do."
13. "Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
14. "The true teacher of life is he who has taught us to see and to think."
15. "Self-reliance is the principle of progress."

1. **"The mind is everything. What you think, you become."**
- **用法示例**: "在日常生活中,我们意识到积极思考对于改变我们的心情和行为有多重要。正如爱默生所说,我们就是我们思想的产物,因此选择正面、鼓励性的思考至关重要。"

2. **"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to understand the meaning of life; to be able to admit error without distress; never to lose temper; to enjoy the friendship of men of genuine culture, who have given their best to the world; to recite poetry as if you yourself were the author; to have a well-governed household and know how to ride a horse; to be brave as a simple peasant, and tender as a woman; to be able, when you hear any tune or read any text, to sing it with heart; to find pleasure in the beauty of books, of nature, of the universe; and never to forget what every great poet has said, 'God loves the man who loves his own soul.'"
- **用法示例**: "在努力成为一个全面发展的人时,我们应当从爱默生的这段话中获取灵感。比如,我们要学会以开放的心态去欣赏诗歌,就像诗人一样,融入其中,而非仅仅在语言层面理解。"
3. **"Do what you love, and you will live your life."**
- **用法示例**: "根据爱默生的名言,找寻你的激情所在,投身于你热爱的事物,就能让你的生活充满意义。想象你找到了你的事业,你不仅在工作,而是在享受与成长。"
4. **"Every moment is a fresh beginning."**
- **用法示例**: "我们常常认为只有新的一年开始时,我们才应该设定目标和做出改变。然而,正如爱默生所说,每个时刻都是一个新的开始。无论何时,只要你愿意,你都可以开始新的尝试和改变。"
5. **"The law of life is the law of self-development."**
- **用法示例**: "生活遵循自我发展的法则,这意味着我们的人生是通过不断学习和成长而丰富和提升的。无论我们的起点如何,我们都能够通过自我教育和自我挑战来实现个人的潜力。"
6. **"He has not lived well who has not deeply loved."**
- **用法示例**: "爱默生认为,没有深度的爱,一个人的生活是不完整的。在爱情、友情或对生活的热情中深陷其中,是使生活变得丰富多彩、充满意义的方式。"
7. **"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."**
- **用法示例**: "这句名言鼓励我们去探索未知,勇敢地走出自己的舒适区。这不仅适用于旅行,也适用于生活中的所有领域。比如,在工作或个人成长中,尝试不同的方法和策略,即使它们看似危险或未知,也能带来创新和惊喜。"
8. **"The day is the glory of the night."**
- **用法示例**: "夜的寂静和深邃使人们更加珍惜白天的明亮和活力。这句话提醒我们,生活的每一个时刻都有其独特的价值和美好。白天的工作与夜晚的休息都是生命不可或缺的组成部分,它们共同构成了完整而美好的生活。"




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