1. こんにちは。 (Konnichiwa. Hello.) 2. こんばんは。 (Konbanwa. Good evening.) 3. さようなら。 (Sayonara. Goodbye.) 4. お願いします。 (Onegaishimasu. Please.) 5. どういたしまして。 (Douitashimashite. Thank you.) 6. いただきます。 (Itadakimasu. I give thanks for the meal.) 7. ごちそうさまで。 (Gochisousama deshita. Thank you for the meal.) 8. おはようございます。 (Ohayou gozaimasu. Good morning.) 9. こんばんは、お元気ですか。 (Konbanwa, ogenki desu ka. Good evening, how are you?) 10. これは何ですか。 (Kore wa nan desu ka. What is this?) 11. お願いします、お願いします。 (Onegaishimasu, onegaishimasu. Please, please.) 12. じゃあね。 (Jaa ne. Bye-bye.) 13. いいえ、お願いします。 (Iie, onegaishimasu. No, please.) 14. はい、どういたしまして。 (Hai, douitashimashite. Yes, thank you.) 15. すみません、お手々をfoutします。 (Sumimasen, o te o foutoshimasu. Excuse me, I'll be right back.) 16. お待たせしました。 (O machigatte shimashita. I'm sorry to keep you waiting.) 17. お先に失礼します。 (O sae ni shitsurei shimasu. I'm sorry to be the first to leave.) 18. 何か手伝いできますか。 (Nanika tetsudai dekimasu ka. Can I help you with anything?) 19. どういたしまして、ありがとうございます。 (Douitashimashite, arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you very much, you're welcome.) 20. ごめんなさい、私、エリーです。 (Gomen nasai, watashi, Eriru desu. Sorry, my name is Eriru.)
1. "こんにちは。" (Konnichiwa. Hello.) - This is an informal greeting that is commonly used during the day. It is used to greet someone you know or to initiate a conversation. For example, you might say "こんにちは、お元気ですか。" (Konnichiwa, ogenki desu ka. Hello, how are you?) when you see someone you know and want to ask how they are doing. 2. "こんばんは。" (Konbanwa. Good evening.) - This is a formal greeting that is used in the evening. It is used to greet someone you know or to acknowledge their presence. For example, you might say "こんばんは、お元気ですか。" (Konbanwa, ogenki desu ka. Good evening, how are you?) when you see someone you know and want to ask how they are doing. 3. "さようなら。" (Sayonara. Goodbye.) - This is an informal farewell that is commonly used when you are leaving someone's presence. It is used to say goodbye to someone you know or to acknowledge their departure. For example, you might say "さようなら、またね。" (Sayonara, mata ne. Goodbye, see you later.) 4. "お願いします。" (Onegaishimasu. Please.) - This is an informal request that is used to ask someone to do something for you. It is often used as a polite way to make a request or to ask for help. For example, you might say "お願いお願いします、このファイルをオープンしてください。" (Onegaishimasu, onegaishimasu, kono file wo open shiite kudasai. Please, please open this file.) 5. "どういたしまして。" (Douitashimashite. Thank you.) - This is an informal expression of gratitude that is used to thank someone for something they have done for you. It is often used as a polite way to acknowledge someone's help or kindness. For example, you might say "お手伝いをありがとうございました。" (O tetsudai wo arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you for your help.) 6. "いただきます。" (Itadakimasu. I give thanks for the meal.) - This is an expression of gratitude that is commonly used at the beginning of a meal. It is used to show respect for the food and to acknowledge the efforts of the person who prepared the meal. For example, you might say "いただきます、ごちそうさまで。" (Itadakimasu, gochisousama deshita. I give thanks for the meal, thank you for the meal.) 7. "ごちそうさまで。" (Gochisousama deshita. Thank you for the meal.) - This is an expression of gratitude that is commonly used at the end of a meal. It is used to show appreciation for the food and to thank the person who prepared the meal. For example, you might say "ごちそうさまで、おいしかったですね。" (Gochisousama deshita, oishikatta desu ne. Thank you for the meal, it was delicious.) 8. "おはようございます。" (Ohayou gozaimasu. Good morning.) - This is an informal greeting that is commonly used in the morning. It is used to greet someone you know or to acknowledge their presence. For example, you might say "おはようございます、お元気ですか。" (Ohayou gozaimasu, o
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