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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
倒 装 句 的 典 型 句 子

1. Only in this way can we succeed.
2. Hardly had I arrived when she left.
3. Little did I know what was about to happen.
4. Never will I do such a thing again.
5. Not only did he succeed, but he also won a prize.
6. So tired was he that he couldn't walk any further.
7. Such a nice man is he that everyone likes him.
8. That he should have been chosen was beyond expectation.
9. There was no one in the room but him.
10. Up went the ball high into the air.
11. Was it he who broke the glass?
12. We could hardly believe that he had passed the exam.
13. When the meeting began, she had already left.
14. Whether he will come or not is uncertain.
15. You may go out as soon as you have finished your homework.
16. Amusingly enough, he came in without knocking at the door.
17. Apparently, she is going to give up practising the piano.
18. Awfully enough, I missed the bus and had to wait for a long time.
19. Certainly, it was he who won in the end.
20. Distributed over the country are a lot of colleges and universities.

1. Only in this way can we succeed. (出处:未知) 这是我们取得成功的唯一途径。
2. Hardly had I arrived when she left. (出处:未知) 我刚到,她就离开了。
3. Little did I know what was about to happen. (出处:未知) 我几乎没有什么意识到接下来会发生什么。
4. Never will I do such a thing again. (出处:未知) 我再也不会做这样的事了。
5. Not only did he succeed, but he also won a prize. (出处:未知) 他不仅成功了,而且还赢得了一个奖项。
6. So tired was he that he couldn't walk any further. (出处:未知) 他累得再也走不动了。
7. Such a nice man is he that everyone likes him. (出处:未知) 他是个如此好的人,每个人都喜欢他。
8. That he should have been chosen was beyond expectation. (出处:未知) 他被选中出乎意料之外。
9. There was no one in the room but him. (出处:未知) 房间里除了他没有其他人。
10. Up went the ball high into the air. (出处:未知) 球高高地飞入空中。
11. Was it he who broke the glass? (出处:未知) 是他打破了玻璃吗?
12. We could hardly believe that he had passed the exam. (出处:未知) 我们很难相信他通过了考试。
13. When the meeting began, she had already left. (出处:未知) 会议开始时她已经离开了。
14. Whether he will come or not is uncertain. (出处:未知) 他是否会来还不确定。
15. You may go out as soon as you have finished your homework. (出处:未知) 完成作业就可以出去了。
16. Amusingly enough, he came in without knocking at the door. (出处:未知) 趣味的是,他没有敲门就进来了。
17. Apparently, she is going to give up practising the piano. (出处:未知) 很明显,她打算放弃练钢琴。
18. Awfully enough, I missed the bus and had to wait for a long time. (出处:未知) 糟糕的是,我错过了公交车,不得不等待了很长时间。
19. Certainly, it was he who won in the end. (出处:未知) 当然,他最终赢得了比赛。
20. Distributed over the country are a lot of colleges and universities. (出处:未知) 整个国家分布着许多学院和大学。
1. Only in this way can we succeed. 我们为了取得成功,必须要坚持努力。
2. Hardly had I arrived when she left. 当我到那的时候,她已经离开了。
3. Little did I know what was about to happen. 我几乎没有什么预见到将会发生的事情。
4. Never will I do such a thing again. 我再也不会做这样的事情了。
5. Not only did he succeed, but he also won a prize. 他不仅成功了,而且还赢得了奖项。
6. So tired was he that he couldn't walk any further. 他太累了,以至于走不动了。
7. Such a nice man is he that everyone likes him. 他是个那么好的人,每个人都喜欢他。
8. That he should have been chosen was beyond expectation. 他竟然被选中了,这出乎我们的意料。
9. There was no one in the room but him. 房间里除了他没有人。
10. Up went the ball high into the air. 球高高地飞入空中。
11. Was it he who broke the glass? 是他打破的玻璃吗?
12. We could hardly believe that he had passed the exam. 我们几乎不能相信他通过了考试。
13. When the meeting began, she had already left. 会议开始的时候,她已经离开了。
14. Whether he will come or not is uncertain. 他是否会来还不确定。
15. You may go out as soon as you have finished your homework. 你完成作业就可以出去了。
16. Amusingly enough, he came in without knocking at the door. 趣味的是,他没有敲门就进来了。
17. Apparently, she is going to give up practising the piano. 很明显,她打算放弃练钢琴。
18. Awfully enough, I missed the bus and had to wait for a long time. 糟糕的是,我错过了公交车,不得不等待了很长时间。
19. Certainly, it was he who won in the end. 当然,他最终赢得了比赛。
20. Distributed over the country are a lot of colleges and universities. 整个国家分布着许多学院和大学。




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