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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
表 达 抱 歉 的 句 子

1. I'm sorry for what I said.
2. I apologize for my mistake.
3. I regret what I did and I'm truly sorry.
4. Please forgive me for my behavior.
5. I take full responsibility for my actions and I'm truly sorry.
6. I apologize if I offended you.
7. I'm sorry for any inconvenience or trouble I caused.
8. I regret any hurt or harm I may have caused.
9. I deeply apologize for my actions and I'm truly sorry.
10. I'm very sorry for what I did and I hope you can forgive me.
11. I take full responsibility for my mistake and I'm truly sorry.
12. I apologize for any misunderstandings or miscommunications.
13. I'm sorry if I came across as rude or dismissive.
14. I deeply regret what I did and I'm truly sorry.
15. I apologize for any disrespect or insensitivity I may have shown.
16. I'm sorry for any hurt or pain I may have caused and I'm truly sorry.
17. I take full blame for my actions and I'm truly sorry.
18. I apologize for any inconvenience or difficulty I may have caused.
19. I deeply regret my behavior and I'm truly sorry.
20. I'm sorry for any negative impact my actions may have had and I'm truly sorry.

1. "I'm sorry for what I said." - This statement is an apology for a specific comment made that may have been hurtful or inappropriate. It is often used to repair a relationship or to show regret for an unintentional offense.
Example: "I'm sorry for what I said during the meeting. It was inappropriate and I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings."
2. "I apologize for my mistake." - This statement is an apology for a specific action or decision that has resulted in a negative outcome. It is often used to show a desire to correct the mistake and prevent it from happening again.
Example: "I apologize for my mistake in the report. I will double-check my work to prevent any future mistakes."
3. "I regret what I did and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is a strong apology that acknowledges the consequences of one's actions and expresses genuine regret. It is often used to repair a damaged relationship or to show a commitment to change.
Example: "I regret what I did to hurt you. I deeply apologize and I will do everything in my power to make it right."
4. "Please forgive me for my behavior." - This statement is an apology that seeks forgiveness for specific actions or behavior. It is often used to show a desire to make amends and repair a relationship.
Example: "Please forgive me for being short with you yesterday. I didn't mean to come across as rude."
5. "I take full responsibility for my actions and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is an apology that accepts full responsibility for one's actions and the consequences that followed. It is often used to show a willingness to be accountable and make things right.
Example: "I take full responsibility for the mistake that happened in the project. I know it caused inconvenience, and I'm truly sorry."
6. "I apologize if I offended you." - This statement is an apology that shows concern for the impact of one's words or actions on others. It is often used to prevent offense or to address concerns before they escalate.
Example: "I apologize if my comment today came across as rude. It wasn't my intention."
7. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience or trouble I caused." - This statement is an apology for a specific negative outcome that may have been unintentional. It is often used to show regret and a desire to make amends.
Example: "I'm sorry for any inconvenience I caused with the delay in the project. I'll work hard to get it back on track."
8. "I regret any hurt or harm I may have caused." - This statement is an apology that acknowledges the impact of one's actions on others and expresses regret for any harm caused. It is often used to show a desire to make things right.
Example: "I regret any hurt or harm I caused you. Please know that it was never my intention."
9. "I deeply apologize for my actions and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is a strong apology that expresses deep regret for one's actions and a commitment to change. It is often used to repair a damaged relationship or to show a desire to make amends.
Example: "I deeply apologize for my actions that resulted in the breakup of our friendship. I know I hurt you and I'm truly sorry."
10. "I'm very sorry for what I did and I hope you can forgive me." - This statement is an apology that expresses genuine regret for one's actions and a desire to seek forgiveness. It is often used to repair a damaged relationship or to show a commitment to change.
Example: "I'm very sorry for what I said about you to our mutual friend. I hope you can forgive me and we can put this behind us."
11. "I take full responsibility for my mistake and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is an apology that accepts full responsibility for one's actions and the consequences that followed. It is often used to show a willingness to be accountable and make things right.
Example: "I take full responsibility for the mistake that led to the delay in the project. I know it caused inconvenience, and I'm truly sorry."
12. "I apologize for any misunderstandings or miscommunications." - This statement is an apology for miscommunications or confusion that may have caused problems. It is often used in a professional or interpersonal context to prevent misunderstandings or conflicts from escalating.
Example: "I apologize for any misunderstandings that may have arisen from our meeting. I want to make sure we are on the same page moving forward."
13. "I'm sorry if I came across as rude or dismissive." - This statement is an apology for behavior that may have been perceived as rude or dismissive. It is often used in a professional or interpersonal context to repair a relationship or prevent future conflicts.
Example: "I'm sorry if my tone came across as rude or dismissive during our meeting. That was not my intention."
14. "I deeply regret what I did and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is a strong apology that acknowledges the consequences of one's actions and expresses deep regret. It is often used to repair a damaged relationship or to show a commitment to change.
Example: "I deeply regret what I did that led to the breakup of our friendship. I know I hurt you and I'm truly sorry."
15. "I apologize for any disrespect or insensitivity I may have shown." - This statement is an apology for behavior that may have been perceived as disrespectful or insensitive. It is often used to repair a relationship or prevent future conflicts.
Example: "I apologize for any disrespect or insensitivity I may have shown during our meeting. That was not my intention."
16. "I'm sorry for any hurt or pain I may have caused and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is an apology that acknowledges the impact of one's actions on others and expresses regret for any harm caused. It is often used to show a desire to make things right.
Example: "I'm sorry for any hurt or pain I may have caused you during our argument. I know that was not my intention and I hope you can forgive me."
17. "I take full blame for my actions and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is an apology that accepts full responsibility for one's actions and the consequences that followed. It is often used to show a willingness to be accountable and make things right.
Example: "I take full blame for my actions in the project that led to the failure. I know it caused inconvenience and I'm truly sorry."
18. "I apologize for any inconvenience or difficulty I may have caused." - This statement is an apology for actions that may have caused problems or difficulty. It is often used to show regret for any inconvenience caused and a desire to make things right.
Example: "I apologize for any inconvenience the delay in the project caused. I'm working hard to get it back on track as soon as possible."
19. "I deeply regret my behavior and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is a strong apology that acknowledges the consequences of one's actions and expresses deep regret. It is often used to repair a damaged relationship or to show a commitment to change.
Example: "I deeply regret my behavior during our argument. I know it hurt you and I'm truly sorry."
20. "I'm sorry for any negative impact my actions may have had and I'm truly sorry." - This statement is an apology that acknowledges the consequences of one's actions and expresses regret for any negative impact caused. It is often used to show a desire to make things right.
Example: "I'm sorry for any negative impact my actions may have had on you and our relationship. I know that was not my intention and I hope we can move past it.




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