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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
w h e n 的 句 子 用 什 么 时 态

1. When I was a child, I loved to play outside.
2. When you finish your homework, we can watch a movie.
3. When the doorbell rang, I knew it was the delivery man.
4. When she wakes up, she'll have breakfast.
5. When he arrived at the party, everyone was already dancing.
6. When the rain stopped, we went for a walk.
7. When the sun came up, we started our hike.
8. When the game ended, the crowd cheered.
9. When I saw the movie, I cried.
10. When she eats spicy food, she always drinks water.
11. When he plays soccer, he always scores.
12. When I study, I listen to music.
13. When she drives, she listens to the radio.
14. When he drives, he likes to sing along.
15. When I travel, I take lots of pictures.
16. When she goes shopping, she always finds great deals.
17. When he goes fishing, he never catches anything.
18. When she wakes up in the morning, she drinks a cup of tea.
19. When we go on vacation, we always visit beaches.
20. When I hear the news, I always feel sad about the world's problems.

1. When I was a child, I loved to play outside. This sentence is taken from a personal experience of the speaker, describing their fond memories of childhood games played outdoors.
2. When you finish your homework, we can watch a movie. This is a common phrase used in households to encourage children or students to complete their tasks before engaging in leisure activities.
3. When the doorbell rang, I knew it was the delivery man. This sentence describes a moment when the speaker recognizes the sound of the doorbell as an indication of the arrival of the delivery person.
4. When she wakes up, she'll have breakfast. This sentence implies that the woman in question has a routine of having breakfast after waking up.
5. When he arrived at the party, everyone was already dancing. This sentence describes a scene where the man joins a party, but finds that everyone was already dancing when he arrived.
6. When the rain stopped, we went for a walk. This sentence implies that the speaker and others were waiting for the rain to stop before proceeding with their walk.
7. When the sun came up, we started our hike. The sentence suggests that the speaker and others planned their hike to start after the sunrise.
8. When the game ended, the crowd cheered. This sentence implies that a game or competition has concluded, and the crowd is celebrating the outcome.
9. When I saw the movie, I cried. This sentence indicates that the speaker was deeply moved or emotionally affected by watching the movie.
10. When she eats spicy food, she always drinks water. This sentence suggests that the woman in question has a habit of drinking water to neutralize the spiciness of her food.
11. When he plays soccer, he always scores. This sentence implies that the man in question has a talent for scoring goals in soccer games.
12. When I study, I listen to music. This sentence suggests that the speaker has a study routine that involves listening to music.
13. When she drives, she listens to the radio. This sentence implies that the woman in question has a habit of listening to the radio while driving.
14. When he drives, he likes to sing along. This sentence indicates that the man in question enjoys singing along to music while driving.
15. When I travel, I take lots of pictures. This sentence suggests that the speaker has a habit of taking photos during their trips.
16. When she goes shopping, she always finds great deals. This sentence implies that the woman in question has a talent for finding good deals while shopping.
17. When he goes fishing, he never catches anything. This sentence implies that the man in question is not successful in fishing.
18. When she wakes up in the morning, she drinks a cup of tea. This sentence suggests that this woman has a habit of drinking tea in the morning.
19. When we go on vacation, we always visit beaches. This sentence implies that the speaker and others have a preference for beach destinations during their vacations.
20. When I hear the news, I always feel sad about the world's problems. This sentence indicates the speaker's emotional response to hearing news about global issues.




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