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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
w h a t 是 什 么 句 型

1. What is your name?
2. What time is it?
3. What is your address?
4. What is the meaning of life?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What is the capital of France?
7. What is the weather like today?
8. What is your phone number?
9. What is your occupation?
10. What is the capital of the United States?
11. What is the capital of Canada?
12. What is the capital of Germany?
13. What is the capital of Brazil?
14. What is the capital of Japan?
15. What is the capital of Australia?
16. What is the capital of Italy?
17. What is the capital of Russia?
18. What is the capital of China?
19. What is the capital of Egypt?
20. What is the capital of South Africa?

1. "What is your name?" is a common question used to introduce oneself or to ask for someone's name. For example, "What is your name? My name is John."
2. "What time is it?" is a question used to inquire about the current time. For example, "What time is it? It's 2 PM."
3. "What is your address?" is a question used to ask for someone's mailing address or physical location. For example, "What is your address? My address is 123 Main Street."
4. "What is the meaning of life?" is a philosophical question that has been debated by scholars for centuries. For example, "What is the meaning of life? Some people believe the meaning of life is to seek happiness and fulfillment."
5. "What is your favorite color?" is a common question used to ask someone's preferred shade of color. For example, "What is your favorite color? My favorite color is blue."
6. "What is the capital of France?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of a country. For example, "What is the capital of France? The capital of France is Paris."
7. "What is the weather like today?" is a question used to inquire about the current weather conditions. For example, "What is the weather like today? It's sunny and warm."
8. "What is your phone number?" is a question used to ask for someone's phone number. For example, "What is your phone number? My phone number is 555-1234."
9. "What is your occupation?" is a question used to ask about someone's profession or job title. For example, "What is your occupation? I am a teacher."
10. "What is the capital of the United States?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of the United States. For example, "What is the capital of the United States? The capital of the United States is Washington, D.C."
11. "What is the capital of Canada?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Canada. For example, "What is the capital of Canada? The capital of Canada is Ottawa."
12. "What is the capital of Germany?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Germany. For example, "What is the capital of Germany? The capital of Germany is Berlin."
13. "What is the capital of Brazil?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Brazil. For example, "What is the capital of Brazil? The capital of Brazil is Brasília."
14. "What is the capital of Japan?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Japan. For example, "What is the capital of Japan? The capital of Japan is Tokyo."
15. "What is the capital of Australia?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Australia. For example, "What is the capital of Australia? The capital of Australia is Canberra."
16. "What is the capital of Italy?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Italy. For example, "What is the capital of Italy? The capital of Italy is Rome."
17. "What is the capital of Russia?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Russia. For example, "What is the capital of Russia? The capital of Russia is Moscow."
18. "What is the capital of China?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of China. For example, "What is the capital of China? The capital of China is Beijing."
19. "What is the capital of Egypt?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of Egypt. For example, "What is the capital of Egypt? The capital of Egypt is Cairo."
20. "What is the capital of South Africa?" is a factual question used to ask for the capital city of South Africa. For example, "What is the capital of South Africa? The capital of South Africa is Pretoria, but the administrative capital is Cape Town.




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