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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
关 于 b e f o r e 的 短 语 和 句 子

1. Before we leave, I need to check my email.
2. Before starting the project, we researched potential solutions.
3. Before going to bed, I always drink a glass of milk.
4. Before entering the house, I knocked on the door.
5. Before the storm hit, people rushed to evacuate.
6. Before buying the car, I test drove it several times.
7. Before cooking dinner, I washed all the ingredients.
8. Before starting the race, the runners warmed up.
9. Before taking a test, I reviewed all the material.
10. Before leaving the office, I turned off the lights.
11. Before going to the beach, I applied sunscreen.
12. Before heading to bed, I brushed my teeth.
13. Before buying a house, we had a home inspection.
14. Before going to the gym, I stretched my muscles.
15. Before leaving on a trip, I packed my suitcase.
16. Before starting work, I checked my schedule for the day.
17. Before eating, I washed my hands.
18. Before going to sleep, I read a book.
19. Before running a marathon, I trained for months.
20. Before making a big decision, I weighed the pros and cons.

1.出处:无;用法:用于表达在离开之前需要完成的任务;创作内容:Before we leave for the concert, I need to check my email to make sure I don't miss any important updates.
2.出处:无;用法:用于表达在开始某项任务之前所做的准备工作;创作内容:Before starting the project, we researched potential solutions so that we could have a clear plan of action.
3.出处:无;用法:用于表达在睡觉之前需要完成的任务;创作内容:Before going to bed, I always drink a glass of warm milk to help me relax and fall asleep easily.
4.出处:无;用法:用于表达在进入某个地方之前需要做的行动;创作内容:Before entering the house, I knocked on the door to greet my host and make sure it was okay to come in.
5.出处:无;用法:用于表达在灾难或危险发生之前,人们需要采取的行动;创作内容:Before the storm hit, people rushed to evacuate the town to avoid any potential danger.
6.出处:无;用法:用于表达在购买某物之前,需要进行的试用或实验;创作内容:Before buying the car, I test drove it several times to make sure it was the right fit for me.
7.出处:无;用法:用于表达在开始烹饪之前,需要完成的准备工作;创作内容:Before cooking dinner, I carefully washed all the ingredients to ensure their freshness.
8.出处:无;用法:用于表达在开始比赛之前,需要进行的准备活动;创作内容:Before the race, the runners actively warmed up their muscles and stretched to avoid any injuries.
9.出处:无;用法:用于表达在参加考试之前,需要做的准备工作;创作内容:Before taking the test, I reviewed all the material thoroughly so that I would be fully prepared.
10.出处:无;用法:用于表达在离开某个地方之前,需要做的最后行动;创作内容:Before leaving the office, I made sure to turn off all the lights to save energy.
11.出处:无;用法:用于表达在去某个地方之前,需要做的准备工作;创作内容:Before going to the beach, I applied sunscreen to protect my skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
12.出处:无;用法:用于表达在睡觉之前,需要做的准备工作;创作内容:Before heading to bed, I brushed my teeth to keep my mouth clean and fresh.
13.出处:无;用法:用于表达在购买某物之前,需要进行的检查活动;创作内容:Before buying a house, we had a home inspection to ensure that everything was in good condition.
14.出处:无;用法:用于表达在去某个地方之前,需要做的准备活动;创作内容:Before going to the gym, I stretched my muscles to prevent any injuries during my workout.
15.出处:无;用法:用于表达在出发旅行之前,需要做的准备工作;创作内容:Before leaving on our trip, we packed our suitcase with all the necessities we would need.
16.出处:无;用法:用于表达在开始工作之前,需要查看的日程安排;创作内容:Before starting work, I checked my schedule for the day and prioritized my tasks accordingly.
17.出处:无;用法:用于表达在进食之前,需要做的准备工作;创作内容:Before eating, I washed my hands thoroughly to keep my food free from germs.
18.出处:无;用法:用于表达在睡觉之前,需要做的放松活动;创作内容:Before going to sleep, I enjoy reading a book to unwind and prepare for a good night's rest.
19.出处:无;用法:用于表达在进行某项挑战之前,需要做的长时间训练;创作内容:Before running a marathon, I trained for months to build up my endurance and stamina.
20.出处:无;用法:用于表达在做出决定之前,需要考虑的因素;创作内容:Before making a big decision, I weighed the pros and cons to understand the possible consequences and outcomes.




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