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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
p r i e s t 经 典 句 子

1. “The night is long, and full of terrors yet to come, and only the brave survive.” - Priestess (《龙族III》)
2. “Life is a journey, and we all must take the path that is right for us.” - Priest
3. “To be a man, one must first learn to stand alone.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
4. “I am not afraid of death. I have faced it many times before.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
5. “The longer I hold this blade, the more I understand the price of power.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
6. “The key to victory is understanding your enemy.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
7. “The world is not black and white, but many shades of gray.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
8. “Power is a double-edged sword. It can be used for good or evil.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
9. “We must fight for what is right, even if it means going against those we love.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
10. “The only way to truly understand oneself is to face one's fears.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
11. “The path to power is paved with blood and sacrifice.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
12. “The greatest weapon in the world is a soul full of love.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
13. “To be a hero, one must first be willing to face their own demons.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
14. “The true test of strength is not in overpowering one's enemies, but in overcoming one's own weaknesses.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
15. “Power corrupts, but true power comes from inner strength.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
16. “The only thing that is constant is change.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
17. “The past is a storybook, the future is a mystery, and the present is a gift.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
18. “The greatest treasure in life is not material, but the love of those who are dear to us.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
19. “The most dangerous thing in the world is not what we fear, but what we do not understand.” - Priestess (《龙族》)
20. “True power comes from within, not from without.” - Priestess (《龙族》)

Priestess is a character from the novel series "Dragon Gene ". Throughout the story, she displays a deep understanding of the world and its many nuances. She often speaks at length about life, power, and fear. These quotes from Priestess highlight her wisdom and insight:
"The night is long, and full of terrors yet to come, and only the brave survive." - Priestess (《龙族III》)
"To be a man, one must first learn to stand alone." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The longer I hold this blade, the more I understand the price of power." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"I am not afraid of death. I have faced it many times before." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The key to victory is understanding your enemy." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The world is not black and white, but many shades of gray." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"Power is a double-edged sword. It can be used for good or evil." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"We must fight for what is right, even if it means going against those we love." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The only way to truly understand oneself is to face one's fears." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The path to power is paved with blood and sacrifice." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The greatest weapon in the world is a soul full of love." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"To be a hero, one must first be willing to face their own demons." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The true test of strength is not in overpowering one's enemies, but in overcoming one's own weaknesses." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"Power corrupts, but true power comes from inner strength." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The only thing that is constant is change." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The past is a storybook, the future is a mystery, and the present is a gift." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The greatest treasure in life is not material, but the love of those who are dear to us." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"The most dangerous thing in the world is not what we fear, but what we do not understand." - Priestess (《龙族》)
"True power comes from within, not from without." - Priestess (《龙族》)
Priestess's wisdom and insight inspire and guide the characters in the story, pushing them to face their fears and overcome their own weaknesses. Her words serve as a reminder that true power comes from within, and that the key to victory is understanding one's enemies.




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