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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
a r e 写 句 子

1. Are you feeling better today?
2. I am not sure what to do.
3. She is a talented musician.
4. They are planning a trip to Europe.
5. He is always迟到。
6. We are going to have a party tonight.
7. They are watching a movie now.
8. She is very happy today.
9. He is a doctor.
10. Are you coming with us?
11. We are going to the park.
12. He is taller than his brother.
13. They are playing soccer in the field.
14. She is a great teacher.
15. He is not available right now.
16. We are going to the beach this weekend.
17. She is a good friend.
18. They are learning a new language.
19. He is a successful businessman.
20. Are you ready for the exam?

1. "Are you feeling better today?" - This sentence is commonly used by friends or family members to inquire about someone's physical or emotional state. For example, "I hope you're feeling better today, honey. I know you've been under a lot of stress lately."
2. "I am not sure what to do." - This sentence is often used when a person is faced with a difficult decision or situation and is unsure of what steps to take. For example, "I am not sure what to do about this project. There are so many different options and I don't want to make the wrong choice."
3. "She is a talented musician." - This sentence is used to praise someone's musical abilities. For example, "She is a talented musician. She has been playing the piano since she was four years old."
4. "They are planning a trip to Europe." - This sentence is used to convey that a group of people is making plans to travel to Europe. For example, "They are planning a trip to Europe for next summer. I hope they have a great time."
5. "He is always迟到." - This sentence is used to describe someone who is frequently late for appointments or events. For example, "He is always迟到, so I never know when to expect him."
6. "We are going to have a party tonight." - This sentence is used to announce that a group of people is planning to have a party. For example, "We are going to have a party tonight to celebrate our friend's birthday."
7. "They are watching a movie now." - This sentence is used to describe an ongoing activity, specifically watching a movie. For example, "They are watching a movie now. I wonder if it's good."
8. "She is very happy today." - This sentence is used to describe someone's emotional state, specifically happiness. For example, "She is very happy today. She just got accepted into her dream college."
9. "He is a doctor." - This sentence is used to describe someone's profession, specifically as a doctor. For example, "He is a doctor specializing in pediatrics."
10. "Are you coming with us?" - This sentence is used to request someone's attendance at an event or activity. For example, "Are you coming with us to the beach this weekend? We're planning on having a bonfire."
11. "We are going to the park." - This sentence is used to announce a planned activity, specifically going to the park. For example, "We are going to the park to have a picnic and play frisbee."
12. "He is taller than his brother." - This sentence is used to describe a physical characteristic, specifically height. For example, "He is taller than his brother by a few inches."
13. "They are playing soccer in the field." - This sentence is used to describe an ongoing activity, specifically playing soccer in a field. For example, "They are playing soccer in the field next to the school."
14. "She is a great teacher." - This sentence is used to praise someone's teaching abilities. For example, "She is a great teacher. Her students always do well on their exams."
15. "He is not available right now." - This sentence is used to inform someone that the person is not available to speak or interact at this time. For example, "He is not available right now. Can I take a message for him?"
16. "We are going to the beach this weekend." - This sentence is used to announce a planned activity, specifically going to the beach. For example, "We are going to the beach this weekend to get some sun and relax."
17. "She is a good friend." - This sentence is used to praise someone's friendship qualities. For example, "She is a good friend. She always knows how to make me laugh and support me when I need it."
18. "They are learning a new language." - This sentence is used to describe an ongoing activity, specifically learning a new language. For example, "They are learning a new language to prepare for their upcoming trip to Japan."
19. "He is a successful businessman." - This sentence is used to describe someone's profession and level of success, specifically as a businessman. For example, "He is a successful businessman who has built his company from the ground up."
20. "Are you ready for the exam?" - This sentence is used to ask if someone is prepared for an upcoming test or examination. For example, "Are you ready for the exam tomorrow? Make sure you get a good night's sleep.




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