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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
伏 尔 泰 最 著 名 的 一 句 话

1. "我不同意你说的每一个字,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。"(英文原版:“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”)
2. "人天生是自由和平等的,只有政治权力的不平等才会造成人间的不平等。"(英文原版:“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”)
3. "只有自由人才能对自由进行思考。"(英文原版:“Only a free man can think freely.”)
4. "帝国政府是世界上最经久不衰的神话。"(英文原版:“The empires of this world are but myths.”)
5. "疯狂的人们总是试图用暴力来改变世界。"(英文原版:“Madmen always try to change the world.”)
6. "历史是过去的记忆。"(英文原版:“History is the memory of the past.”)
7. "知识是最美的宝石。"(英文原版:“Knowledge is the most beautiful jewel.”)
8. "没有什么比无知更危险的了。"(英文原版:“Nothing is more dangerous than ignorance.”)
9. "善良是唯一不会过时的一种美德。"(英文原版:“Goodness is the only quality that never goes out of fashion.”)
10. "让我们以理智的勇气对抗无知的恐惧。"(英文原版:“Let us, with courage and sense, face our ignorance with courage.”)
11. "自由并不会因为被赋予而变得有价值,而是因为被使用而变得有价值。"(英文原版:“Liberty is not a gift, it is a right。”)
12. "历史会重复自己,因为我们会重复自己。"(英文原版:“History is an old song being sung by people with amnesia.”)
13. "人类的天性是复杂而矛盾的。"(英文原版:“Human nature is complex and contradictory.”)
14. "时代会改变,但我们的人性不会改变。"(英文原版:“The times may change, but we remain human.”)
15. "信仰是自由的,因为它只存在于内心。"(英文原版:“ Creed is free because it resides only in the mind.”)
16. "信仰是我们抵抗时代的唯一工具。"(英文原版:“ Faith is the only tool we have against the times.”)
17. "人类的幸福不在于物质财富,而在于精神繁荣。"(英文原版:“Happiness is not found in material wealth, but in spiritual prosperity.”)
18. "人类的天才在于创造奇迹,而不是崇拜奇迹。"(英文原版:“We are not made for worship, for we are made for wonders.”)
19. "人生最重要的是保持对生活的热爱和对未来的希望。"(英文原版:“The most important thing in life is to keep the love of life and the hope of tomorrow alive.”)
20. "历史是一面镜子,使我们能看到过去,从而展望未来。"(英文原版:“History is a mirror in which we can see the past and thereby look towards the future.”)

1. "\"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.\"(英文原版:“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”)- This famous quote by Voltaire emphasizes the importance of freedom of speech. It means that even if we disagree with someone's opinions, we should still protect their right to express them. This is a crucial aspect of a democratic society, where people are allowed to have different views and share them without fear of censorship or punishment.
2. \"人天生是自由和平等的,只有政治权力的不平等才会造成人间的不平等。\"(英文原版:“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”)- This quote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau asserts that humans are naturally free and equal, but societal systems such as government and power structures can limit our freedoms and create inequality. It suggests that真正的平等和自由只能在没有政治干预的情况下实现,强调人权和对自由的追求。
3. \"只有自由人才能对自由进行思考。\"(英文原版:“Only a free man can think freely.”)- This quote by Friedrich Nietzsche stresses the importance of freedom of thought. It means that when we are free to think, explore, and question things, we can develop new ideas and perspectives. This free-thinking allows for creativity, innovation, and progress, and is essential for individual growth and development.
4. \"帝国政府是世界上最经久不衰的神话。\"(英文原版:“The empires of this world are but myths.”)- This quote by Friedrich Nietzsche challenges the idea of traditional political systems, especially those that are hierarchical and centralized. It suggests that these systems are ultimately empty and deceptive, and that true power and freedom lie in individual consciousness and self-assertion.
5. \"疯狂的人们总是试图用暴力来改变世界。\"(英文原版:“Madmen always try to change the world.”)- This quote by Albert Camus draws attention to the idea that some people may use violence to try to achieve change. However, it also implies that such attempts are often misguided and ineffective, and that true progress can only be achieved through rational and peaceful means.
6. \"历史是过去的记忆。\"(英文原版:“History is the memory of the past.”)- This quote by Johann Herder highlights the importance of history in shaping our present and future. It means that understanding the events of the past can give us insight into the reasons for current situations, and help us make informed decisions about the future.
7. \"知识是最美的宝石。\"(英文原版:“Knowledge is the most beautiful jewel.”)- This quote by Lao Tzu emphasizes the value of knowledge and learning. It suggests that knowledge is a precious and valuable asset, and that we should strive to acquire it and use it wisely.
8. \"没有什么比无知更危险的了。\"(英文原版:“Nothing is more dangerous than ignorance.”)- This quote by Voltaire highlights the potentially harmful effects of ignorance. It means that without knowledge and understanding, people are vulnerable to misinformation and manipulation, and may make poor decisions that harm themselves and others.
9. \"善良是唯一不会过时的一种美德。\"(英文原版:“Goodness is the only quality that never goes out of fashion。”)- This quote by Oscar Wilde emphasizes the timeless nature of kindness and compassion. It means that regardless of societal changes or trends, these values will always be important and relevant.
10. \"让我们以理智的勇气对抗无知的恐惧。\"(英文原版:“Let us, with courage and sense, face our ignorance with courage.”)- This quote by Voltaire encourages us to face our own ignorance and limitations with bravery and confidence. It means that we should be willing to learn and grow, rather than being frozen by fear or resistance.
11. \"自由并不会因为被赋予而变得有价值,而是因为被使用而变得有价值。\"(英文原版:“Liberty is not a gift, it is a right。”)- This quote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau emphasizes the importance of self-governance and individual sovereignty. It means that freedom is not just something that is given to us, but rather something that we must take responsibility for and use in order to truly benefit.
12. \"历史会重复自己,因为我们会重复自己。\"(英文原版:“History is an old song being sung by people with amnesia.”)- This quote by Albert Camus highlights the cyclical nature of history. It means that we may repeat the mistakes and failures of the past, because we do not fully learn from them or remember them.




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