1. I think that...我认为...2. It's clear that...很明显...3. It seems like...看起来像...4. I wonder if...我想知道是否...5. I'm not sure about...我对...不确定...6. I can't think of...我想不起来...7. I really think we should...我真的认为我们应该...8. I wish I could think of a better idea.我希望我能想到一个更好的主意。9. I've been thinking a lot about...我已经思考了很多关于...10. I can't help thinking about...我忍不住思考...11. I hope you can understand my thinking.我希望你能理解我的想法。12. It's not clear to me why you think that.我不明白你为什么那样认为。13. I think it's important to...我认为...很重要...14. It seems like a good idea to me.对我来说,这看起来像一个好主意。15. I don't think it's a good idea to...我认为...不是一个好主意...16. I'm not sure I agree with your thinking.我不确定我同意你的想法。17. I'm trying to think outside the box.我正在努力思考跳出常规。18. I don't think we should take that approach.我认为我们不应该采取那种方法。19. I think it's important to stay open-minded.我认为保持开放思想很重要。20. I think it's worth considering the possibility.我认为考虑这种可能性是值得的。
1. "I think that the best way to solve this problem is by working together." 我认为解决这个问题的最佳方法是大家一起合作。2. "It's clear that we need to take action to address this issue." 很明显我们需要采取行动来解决这个问题。3. "It seems like this new technology could really revolutionize the industry." 看起来这项新技术可能会彻底改变这个行业。4. "I wonder if the company will invest in more eco-friendly practices." 我想知道公司是否会投资于更环保的实践。5. "I'm not sure about the results of the experiment, but I'll do some more research." 对于实验的结果我还不确定,但是我会继续做一些研究。6. "I can't think of a good reason why they would cancel the event." 我想不起来他们取消这个活动的一个好理由。7. "I really think we should try to find a more efficient way to do this." 我真的认为我们应该尝试找到一种更有效的方法去做这件事。8. "I wish I could think of a better idea, one that would make more of an impact." 我希望我能想出一个更好的想法,一个可以产生更大影响的想法。9. "I've been thinking a lot about the future of our company and how we can improve." 我已经思考了许多关于我们公司未来以及我们如何可以改进的问题。10. "I can't help thinking about how different our lives would be if we had made different choices." 我忍不住思考如果我们做出了不同的选择,我们的生活会有多么不同。11. "I hope you can understand my thinking when I say that I think we need to be more cautious." 我希望当你听到我说我们需要更加谨慎时,能理解我的想法。12. "It's not clear to me why you think that the project will fail." 我不明白你为什么认为这个项目会失败。13. "I think it's important to communicate effectively in the workplace." 我认为在工作中有效沟通很重要。14. "It seems like a good idea to collaborate with other companies on this project." 合作完成这个项目看起来像是一个好主意。15. "I don't think it's a good idea to skip the planning phase, it's crucial to success." 我认为跳过计划阶段不是一个好主意,这是成功至关重要的。16. "I'm not sure I agree with your thinking that we should invest in this new market." 我不确定我同意你的想法,我们应该投资这个新市场。17. "I'm trying to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to this problem." 我正在努力跳出思维定式,提出解决这个问题的创造性方案。18. "I don't think we should take that approach, it's too risky and doesn't align with our goals." 我认为我们不应该采取那种方法,这太冒险,也不符合我们的目标。19. "I think it's important to stay open-minded, you never know what insights you might gain." 我认为保持开放思想很重要,因为你永远不知道你可能会获得什么见解。20. "I think it's worth considering the possibility that there may be other factors at play here." 我认为考虑这种可能性是值得的,这里可能存在其他因素。
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