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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
伶 官 传 序 重 点 句 子 翻 译

1. “呜呼!盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉!” - "Alas! The rise and fall of empires, although regarded as the will of heaven, is not without human causation!"
2. “虽曰天命,岂非人事哉!” - "Although it is said that the rise and fall of empires is the will of heaven, is it not the work of human hands?"
3. “原庄宗之所以得天下,与其所以失之者,可以知之矣。” - "One can learn the reason why Zhuangzong obtained the throne as well as the reasons for his downfall."
4. “及仇雠已灭,天下已定,一夫夜呼,乱者四应,仓皇东出,未及见贼而士卒离散。” - "When his enemies were vanquished and the whole country was under his control, one person's call at night caused four responses. In a state of panic, he hastily fled eastward before seeing the enemy, and his soldiers had already dispersed."
5. “至于誓天断发,泣下沾襟,何其衰也!岂得之难而失之易欤?” - "To take an oath to heaven and cut his hair, to weep tears down his sleeves, what a sorry sight! Is it because it is difficult to obtain and easy to lose?"
6. “抑本其成败之迹,而皆自于人欤?” - "Or does examining the cause of his rise and fall reveal that it is all due to human reasons?"
7. “夫祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺,岂独伶人也哉!” - "Misfortune often accumulates from small things, and wisdom and courage are often ensnared by what one is fond of. Is it only the actors who are like this?"
8. “原庄宗之所以得天下,与其所以失之者,可以知之矣。” - "One can learn the reason why Zhuangzong obtained the throne as well as the reasons for his downfall."
9. “忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身。” - "Anxiety and toil can bring about the rise of a country, while ease and complacency can lead to one's own downfall."
10. “夫祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺。” - "Misfortune often accumulates from small things, and wisdom and courage are often ensnared by what one is fond of."
11. “岂独伶人也哉!” - "Is it only the actors who are like this?"
12. “虽曰天命,岂非人事哉!” - "Although it is said that the rise and fall of empires is the will of heaven, is it not the work of human hands?"
13. “盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉!” - "The rise and fall of empires, although regarded as the will of heaven, is not without human causation!"
14. “晋王三矢,汾阳王以付于子。” - "Jin Wang had three arrows blessed by the Buddha given to him by the Duke of Fenyang."
15. “其后用兵,则遣从事以一少牢告庙,请其矢,盛以锦囊,负而前驱,及凯旋而纳之。” - "Later, when going to war, he sent an officer with a small offering to the temple, asking for the arrows, which were placed in a silk bag and carried in front of the procession. After the victory, they were stored away."
16. "忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身。” - "Anxiety and toil can bring about the rise of a country, while ease and complacency can lead to one's own downfall."
17. "岂独伶人也哉!" - "Is it only the actors who are like this?"
18. "夫祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺,岂独伶人也哉!" - "Misfortune often accumulates from small things, and wisdom and courage are often ensnared by what one is fond of. Is it only the actors who are like this?"
19. "盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉!" - "The rise and fall of empires, although regarded as the will of heaven, is not without human causation!"
20. "原庄宗之所以得天下,与其所以失之者,可以知之矣。" - "One can learn the reason why Zhuangzong obtained the throne as well as the reasons for his downfall.

1. "Alas! The rise and fall of empires, although regarded as the will of heaven, is not without human causation!"
2. Although it is said that the rise and fall of empires is the will of heaven, is it not the work of human hands?
3. One can learn the reason why Zhuangzong obtained the throne as well as the reasons for his downfall.
4. When his enemies were vanquished and the whole country was under his control, one person's call at night caused four responses. In a state of panic, he hastily fled eastward before seeing the enemy, and his soldiers had already dispersed.
5. To take an oath to heaven and cut his hair, to weep tears down his sleeves, what a sorry sight! Is it because it is difficult to obtain and easy to lose?
6. Or does examining the cause of his rise and fall reveal that it is all due to human reasons?
7. Misfortune often accumulates from small things, and wisdom and courage are often ensnared by what one is fond of. Is it only the actors who are like this?
8. One can learn the reason why Zhuangzong obtained the throne as well as the reasons for his downfall.
9. Anxiety and toil can bring about the rise of a country, while ease and complacency can lead to one's own downfall.
10. Misfortune often accumulates from small things, and wisdom and courage are often ensnared by what one is fond of.
11. Is it only the actors who are like this?
12. Although it is said that the rise and fall of empires is the will of heaven, is it not the work of human hands?
13. The rise and fall of empires, although regarded as the will of heaven, is not without human causation!
14. Jin Wang had three arrows blessed by the Buddha given to him by the Duke of Fenyang.
15. Later, when going to war, he sent an officer with a small offering to the temple, asking for the arrows, which were placed in a silk bag and carried in front of the procession. After the victory, they were stored away.
16. Anxiety and toil can bring about the rise of a country, while ease and complacency can lead to one's own downfall.
17. Is it only the actors who are like this?
18. Misfortune often accumulates from small things, and wisdom and courage are often ensnared by what one is fond of. Is it only the actors who are like this?
19. The rise and fall of empires, although regarded as the will of heaven, is not without human causation!
20. One can learn the reason why Zhuangzong obtained the throne as well as the reasons for his downfall.




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