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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:句子素材
句 子 表 达

1. The cat slept on the mat.
2. She is my best friend.
3. I love eating pizza.
4. The sun is shining brightly.
5. He is a talented musician.
6. The flowers in the garden are beautiful.
7. She is studying medicine at university.
8. They went on a road trip last summer.
9. The book is very interesting.
10. He is allergic to cats.
11. She is a successful businesswoman.
12. They live in a small village.
13. The dog chased the cat around the garden.
14. He is learning Spanish at night school.
15. She is a vegetarian and doesn't eat meat.
16. The car broke down on the side of the road.
17. They went to the beach for a swim.
18. She is a great cook and makes delicious meals.
19. He is a fan of sports and watches every game.
20. The wind is blowing strongly.

1. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The cat slept on the mat, exhausted after a long day of playing.
2. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:She is my best friend, someone I can always rely on.
3. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:I love eating pizza, especially when it's hot and fresh out of the oven.
4. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The sun is shining brightly, lighting up the beautiful day.
5. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:He is a talented musician, able to play multiple instruments with great skill.
6. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The flowers in the garden are beautiful, adding color and life to the space.
7. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:She is studying medicine at university, hoping to one day save lives as a doctor.
8. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:They went on a road trip last summer, exploring many new places along the way.
9. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The book is very interesting, full of fascinating stories and characters.
10. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:He is allergic to cats, but despite that, he loves spending time with them.
11. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:She is a successful businesswoman, running her own company with great dedication.
12. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:They live in a small village, surrounded by green fields and friendly neighbors.
13. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The dog chased the cat around the garden, creating a playful scene.
14. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:He is learning Spanish at night school, determined to master a new language.
15. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:She is a vegetarian and doesn't eat meat, choosing instead to eat healthy plant-based foods.
16. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The car broke down on the side of the road, leaving them stranded until help arrived.
17. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:They went to the beach for a swim, enjoying the sun and the ocean breeze.
18. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:She is a great cook and makes delicious meals, always experimenting with new flavors and ingredients.
19. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:He is a fan of sports and watches every game, following his favorite teams with great passion.
20. 出处:无;用法:陈述句;创作:The wind is blowing strongly, rustling the leaves and making the sky seem darker.




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