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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:词语素材
意 大 利 语 句

1. Bonjour
2. Salutio
3. Ciao
4. Buongiorno (Good morning)
5. Buona sera (Good evening)
6. Buona notte (Good night)
7. Grazie (Thank you)
8. Prego (You’re welcome)
9. Mi dispiace (I’m sorry)
10. Non capisco (I don’t understand)
11. Parla inglese? (Do you speak English?)
12. Sì, parlo inglese (Yes, I speak English)
13. No, non parlo inglese (No, I don’t speak English)
14. Come stai? (How are you?)
15. Mi va bene, grazie (I’m good, thank you)
16. Come posso aiutarti? (How can I help you?)
17. Vorrei un caffè, per favore (I would like a coffee, please)
18. Quanto costa? (How much does it cost?)
19. Buon appetito! (Enjoy your meal!)
20. Arrivederci (Goodbye)
21. Ciao, ci vediamo presto (See you soon)
22. Non posso oggi (I can’t today)
23. Vorrei prenotare un tavolo per due persone alle 19 (I would like to reserve a table for two people at 7 pm)
24. Mi dispiace, non abbiamo tavoli liberi per quella ora (I’m sorry, we don’t have any tables available at that time)
25. Mi piacerebbe provare la pasta al pomodoro (I would like to try the pasta with tomato sauce)
26. Mi piacerebbe anche il gelato al cioccolato (I would also like some chocolate ice cream)
27. Vorrei pagare con carta di credito (I would like to pay with a credit card)
28. Merci beaucoup (Thank you very much)
29. Comment allez-vous? (How are you?)
30. Je suis désolé(e) (I am sorry)
31. Je ne comprends pas (I don’t understand)
32. Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak English?)
33. Oui, je parle anglais (Yes, I speak English)
34. Non, je ne parle pas anglais (No, I don’t speak English)
35. Tu es américain? (Are you American?)
36. Oui, je suis américain(e) (Yes, I am American)
37. Non, je ne suis pas américain(e) (No, I’m not American)
38. Je voudrais commander un sandwich et un café (I would like to order a sandwich and a coffee)
39. Combien ça coûte? (How much does it cost?)
40. Merci pour votre aide (Thank you for your help)
41. Je suis désolé(e), je n’ai pas de temps (I am sorry, I don’t have any time)
42. Vous avez des suggestions de restaurants près de chez moi? (Do you have any restaurant suggestions near my home?)
43. Oui, il y a un très bon restaurant italien à quelques kilomètres de chez vous (Yes, there is a very good Italian restaurant a few kilometers from your home)
44. Merci beaucoup, je vais essayer ça (Thank you very much, I will try it)
45. Quel est votre plat préféré dans ce restaurant? (What is your favorite dish in this restaurant?)
46. Mon plat préféré est la pizza Margherita (My favorite dish is the Margherita pizza)
47. Je vais commander un plat de pâtes et un dessert, s’il vous plaît (I will order a pasta dish and a dessert, please)
48. Je voudrais commander un steak à point et une salade verte (I would like to order a medium-rare steak and a green salad)
49. Vous avez un menu pour les végétariens? (Do you have a menu for vegetarians?)
50. Oui, nous avons une variété de plats végétariens disponibles (Yes, we have a variety of vegetarian dishes available)




1. 端详 2. 注视 3. 凝视 4. 打量 5. 看守 6. 注视 7. 打量 8. 察看 9. 环视 10. 查看 11. 眺望 12. 目睹 13. 看到 14. 观察 15. 检查$$$1. 端详 (出处:《红楼梦》) 用...

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176 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30

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