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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:词语素材
表 示 失 望 的 词 语 有 哪 些

1. 失望:感到遗憾或不满,因为期望没有实现或结果不如预期。
2. 失落:感到沮丧或无助,因为失去了某个重要的东西或机会。
3. 失望透顶:感到极度失望,失去了所有的希望和信心。
4. 失落至极:感到极度失落,心灰意冷。
5. 失落感:感到孤独、沮丧和无助。
6. 失望至极:感到非常失望,几乎失去所有的信心和希望。
7. 失望的滋味:感到失望,有一种令人不快的感觉。
8. 失望的阴影:感到失望,有一种沉重的阴影笼罩在心头。
9. 失望的泪水:因为失望而流下的泪水。
10. 失望的表情:因为失望而在脸上露出的表情。
11. 失望的心情:因为失望而感到的情绪。
12. 失望的风景:因为失望而看到的景色或情境。
13. 失望的前景:因为失望而看到的未来前景。
14. 失望的结局:因为失望而看到的结局或结果。
15. 失望的故事:因为失望而听到的故事或经历。

1. 出处:未知
用法:Tom was disappointed that his team lost the game.
创作:The news of her rejection left her feeling disappointed.
2. 出处:未知
用法:She was cast down with disappointment when she failed in the exam.
创作:The loss of her job left her feeling completely cast down.
3. 出处:未知
用法:He was disappointed to the core when he found out the truth.
创作:The betrayal left her feeling disappointed to the core.
4. 出处:未知
用法:To lose her job in her golden years was a great blow for her, she felt very disappointed and dejected.
创作:Finding out that she didn't get the job made her feel extremely disappointed and dejected.
5. 出处:未知
用法:She felt a sense of disappointment and loneliness at being alone on Christmas Day.
创作:Losing her favorite pet left her feeling a deep sense of disappointment and loneliness.
6. 出处:未知
用法:He felt extremely disappointed when he saw the state of his house after the storm.
创作:She felt disappointment seeping into her heart when she saw her parents' disappointed faces.
7. 出处:未知
用法:She felt a bitter taste in her mouth when she saw the disappointment on her mother's face.
创作:The disappointment she saw in her teacher's eyes made her feel sad and discouraged.
8. 出处:未知
用法:The disappointment that clouded her mind made her feel sad and hopeless.
创作:The disappointment she felt in herself for not being able to keep her promises left her feeling hopeless.
9. 出处:未知
用法:He wiped away a tear of disappointment as he realized he was not going to make it.
创作:She wiped away a tear of disappointment as she saw the destruction caused by the storm.
10. 出处:未知
用法:He could see disappointment etched on his mother's face.
创作:She could see disappointment on her teacher's face when she summarized the lesson.
11. 出处:未知
用法:She felt a heavy weight of disappointment on her heart.
创作:He felt a heavy weight of disappointment when he heard that his team lost the game.
12. 出处:未知
用法:The disappointment in her eyes made the room seem gloomy and sad.
创作:The disappointment on their faces made the once jovial party seem dull and lifeless.
13. 出处:未知
用法:The disappointing future前景 ahead of her made her feel weak.
创作:The disappointing picture of the future ahead made her feel hopeless and lost.
14. 出处:未知
用法:The disappointing ending让她沮丧无比。
创作:The disappointing ending of the movie left her with a heavy heart.
15. 出处:未知
用法:The disappointing story made her cry.
创作:The disappointing story she heard about her friend broke her heart.


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