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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:词语素材
a b c 的 词 语 的 词 语

1. Abacus
2. Abbeville
3. Abbot
4. Abdomen
5. Abduction
6. Aberration
7. Abetment
8. Absolute
9. Abundance
10. Acceptance
11. Abduction
12. Abdomen
13. Abhorrence
14. Abolition
15. Abnormality

1. Abacus: 来自拉丁语 abacus,意思是 "算盘"。在句子中,Abacus可以用来描述古老的计算工具。
2. Abbeville: 来自法语 abbeville,意思是 "修道院"。例如:Abbeville是一个位于法国北部的城市。
3. Abbot: 来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语 abbod,意思是 "僧院长"。造句:The abbot delivered a sermon to the congregation.
4. Abdomen: 来自拉丁语 abdomen,意思是 "腹部"。句子使用:She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.
5. Abduction: 来自拉丁语 abductio,意思是 "诱拐"。例如:The abduction of the little girl shocked the whole community.
6. Aberration: 来自拉丁语 aberratio,意思是 "偏差"。句子使用:She believed that her power was an aberration.
7. Abetment: 来自拉丁语 abetement,意思是 "教唆"。句子使用:The accused was found guilty of abetting the crime.
8. Absolute: 来自拉丁语 absolute,意思是 "绝对的"。造句:Many people believe in absolute truth.
9. Abundance: 来自拉丁语 abundantia,意思是 "丰富"。句子使用:The country is abundant in natural resources.
10. Acceptance: 来自拉丁语 acceptare,意思是 "接受"。造句:She accepted his apology with grace.
11. Abduction: 来自拉丁语 abductio,意思是 "诱拐"。例如:The abduction of the little girl shocked the whole community.
12. Abdomen: 来自拉丁语 abdomen,意思是 "腹部"。句子使用:She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.
13. Abhorrence: 来自拉丁语 abhorreantia,意思是 "憎恶"。造句:She has an abhorrence for violence.
14. Abolition: 来自拉丁语 abolitionis,意思是 "废除"。句子使用:The abolition of slavery was a major achievement of the 19th century.
15. Abnormality: 来自拉丁语 abnormalitas,意思是 "异常"。造句:The child's strange behavior was considered an abnormality.




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176 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30

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