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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:词语素材
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1. 同属一首歌中的重复词语
例如:in the end(《in the end》 by linkin park)
2. 异词押韵
例如:roam(漫游)和bowl(碗)(《final fantasy》 by craig watts)
3. 尾韵
例如:sweat(汗水)和beast(野兽)(《sweat》 by xxxtentacion)
4. 内容押韵
例如:gangsta(匪帮)和kill(杀死)(《gangsta》 by logic)
5. 连音押韵
例如:think(思考)和sink(沉没)(《think twice》 by mya)
6. 单词押韵
例如:flow(流动)和show(展示)(《flow》 by nas)
7. 词语押韵
例如:blue(蓝色)和you(你)(《blue》 by eazy-e)
8. 声押韵
例如:fly(飞行) and try(尝试)(《fly》 by sugarhill gang)
9. 字母押韵
例如:listen(听) andisten(听)(《listen》 by bishop santos)
10. 声母押韵
例如:flow(流动)和go(走)(《flow》 by ludacris)
11. 音节押韵
例如:book(书籍)和look(看)(《book》 by jay-z)
2. 同属一首歌中的重复词语
例如:in the end(《in the end》 by linkin park)
3. 异词押韵
例如:roam(漫游)和bowl(碗)(《final fantasy》 by craig watts)
4. 尾韵
例如:sweat(汗水)和beast(野兽)(《sweat》 by xxxtentacion)
5. 内容押韵
例如:gangsta(匪帮)和kill(杀死)(《gangsta》 by logic)
6. 连音押韵
例如:think(思考)和sink(沉没)(《think twice》 by mya)
7. 单词押韵
例如:flow(流动)和show(展示)(《flow》 by nas)
8. 词语押韵
例如:blue(蓝色)和you(你)(《blue》 by eazy-e)
9. 声押韵
例如:fly(飞行) and try(尝试)(《fly》 by sugarhill gang)
10. 字母押韵
例如:listen(听) andisten(听)(《listen》 by bishop santos)
11. 声母押韵
例如:flow(流动)和go(走)(《flow》 by ludacris)
12. 音节押韵
例如:book(书籍)和look(看)(《book》 by jay-z)
13. 音标押韵
例如:mine(我的)和fine(好的)(《mine》 by drake)
14. 声母和词尾押韵
例如:rains(下雨)和games(游戏)(《rains》 by j cole)

1. 同属一首歌中的重复词语:in the end,出自《in the end》 by linkin park,创作一句话:“In the end, it all comes down to this.”
2. 异词押韵:roam and bowl,《final fantasy》 by craig watts,创作一句话:“He roamed the streets looking for a bowl to eat from.”
3. 尾韵:sweat and beast,《sweat》 by xxxtentacion,创作一句话:“My sweat is pouring down my face as I face my inner beast.”
4. 内容押韵:gangsta and kill,《gangsta》 by logic,创作一句话:“I'm a gangsta, I'll make you swallow your own kill.”
5. 连音押韵:think and sink,《think twice》 by mya,创作一句话:“Don't think twice about it, or you'll sink into regret.”
6. 单词押韵:flow and show,《flow》 by nas,创作一句话:“My flow is so sick that it'll make the crowd show their hands in approval.”
7. 词语押韵:blue and you,《blue》 by eazy-e,创作一句话:“My eyes turn blue whenever I think of you.”
8. 声押韵:fly and try,《fly》 by sugarhill gang,创作一句话:“You can try to catch me, but I'll just fly away.”
9. 字母押韵:listen andisten,《listen》 by bishop santos,创作一句话:“Listen closely, or you'll missisten to the message.”
10. 声母押韵:flow and go,《flow》 by ludacris,创作一句话:“My flow is so smooth that it'll make you want to go with the flow.”
11. 音节押韵:book and look,《book》 by jay-z,创作一句话:“Once you read this book, your perspective will change and you'll look at the world differently.”
12. 音标押韵:mine and fine,《mine》 by drake,创作一句话:“You can have yours, but this one is mine, and I'll take care of it until it's fine.”
13. 声母和词尾押韵:rains and games,《rains》 by j cole,创作一句话:“The rain falls down as we play games of skill and fate.”




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171 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30


以下是以“时”开头的一些常见词语: 1. 时光:指时间的流逝,也可以指一段时间。 2. 时态:指语言中表示时间的方式,如过去时、现在时、将来时等。 3. 时空:指时间和空间的综合概念。 4. 时钟:指用来计量时间的装置,通常具有指针和数字显...

172 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30


以下是关于“暖”字开头的词语大全: 1. 暖暖的 2. 暖和 3. 暖和和 4. 暖烘烘 5. 暖气 6. 暖空气 7. 暖手袋 8. 暖身 9. 暖心 10. 暖意 11. 暖阳 12. 暖洋洋 13. 暖席 14. 暖色调 15. 暖心...

173 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30


我们为您找到以下“识”开头的词语: 识病、识数、识趣、识相、识途、识途老马、识微、识货、识羞、识诈、识文断字、识文谈字、识文、识文解字、识味、识变、识旁、识谩、识机、识微知著、识微、识度、识大体、识趣儿、识途马、识涂老马、识荆、识涂、识路马...

174 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30


曲(qū)开头的词语有: 1. 曲突徒薪:比喻事先采取措施,才能防止灾祸。 2. 曲高和寡:曲调高深,能跟着唱的人就少。旧指知音难得。现比喻言论或作品不通俗,能理解的人很少。 3. 曲意逢迎:曲意:违背自己的意愿去曲从别人;逢迎:迎合。想方...

175 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30


好的,以下是一些以“pt”开头的词语: 1. Point:点 2. Protocol:协议 3. Pyramid:金字塔 4. Publishers and Trade Distributors:出版商和贸易分销商 5. Proton:质子...

176 人阅读 时间:2023-12-30

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