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时间:2023-12-30   |   分类:词语素材
以 旧 换 新 词 语

1. 以旧换新计划
2. 以旧换新政策
3. 以旧换新活动
4. 以旧换新服务
5. 以旧换新方案
6. 以旧换新促销
7. 以旧换新置换
8. 以旧换新回收
9. 以旧换新交易
10. 以旧换新折扣

1. 出处:未知
用法: descrive a program where old items are exchanged for new ones.
创作一句话:Many companies offer "old for new" programs, where customers can exchange their old devices for new ones.
2. 出处:未知
用法: describe a policy that allows customers to exchange old items for new ones.
创作一句话:This store has an "old for new" policy, where customers can bring in their old electronics and exchange them for new ones.
3. 出处:未知
用法: describe an event or occasion where customers can exchange old items for new ones.
创作一句话:The annual "old for new" event was a big hit with customers, who were able to exchange their outdated appliances for sleek new models.
4. 出处:未知
用法: describe a service that allows customers to exchange old items for new ones.
创作一句话:The store's "old for new" service was especially popular with environmentally conscious customers, who were able to dispose of their old electronics in a responsible way while getting a new device.
5. 出处:未知
用法: describe a plan or strategy for exchanging old items for new ones.
创作一句话:The company's "old for new" solution involved offering customers a trade-in value for their used devices, which they could use to offset the cost of purchasing a new one.
6. 出处:未知
用法: describe a promotion or campaign that encourages customers to exchange old items for new ones.
创作一句话:The company launched a successful "old for new" promotion, which offered customers a discount on their new purchase if they traded in their old device.
7. 出处:未知
用法: describe the process of exchanging old items for new ones.
创作一句话:The store's "old for new" program involves customers bringing in their old electronics, which are then evaluated and exchanged for a new device of equal or greater value.
8. 出处:未知
用法: describe the process of collecting and processing old items for exchange.
创作一句话:The store's "old for new" initiative involves collecting used electronics from customers, which are then recycled or repurposed.
9. 出处:未知
用法: describe a transaction where old items are exchanged for new ones.
创作一句话:The customer's "old for new" transaction involved exchanging their outdated computer for a new, faster model.
10. 出处:未知
用法: describe a discount offered to customers who exchange old items for new ones.
创作一句话:The company offered a "old for new" discount of 20% to customers who traded in their old smartphones for a new model.




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